Saturday, May 9, 2009

Birthday Eve

It is the night before the twins' 2nd birthday. Techincally, their birthday starts in 40 minutes, as it is 11:20 pm on May 9th, 2009. I am the only one awake. The kids are asleep. Penny and the pets are asleep. Our friends and their toddler are asleep upstairs, too. The cupcakes are baked and cooling. The house is clean. We are ready for the party tomorrow. Well, I still gotta bake the rainbow cake in the morning. No problem! :) Look for pictures later in the week.

We had a hard week here this week. It was the 11th anniversary of my dad's death, and I was kind of surprised how raw my emotions were about it, even still after 11 years. I think they might always be like that, perhaps more dull as the years go by, but right there under the surface, ready to bubble up whenever I give them any attention. I still miss him so so much. Our red bird is back again this year. We are still calling him Bill, and now the kids do, too.

The kids are starting at a new daycare on Monday. It is a home center that will save us $700 per month! We cried this week about the end of the kids' time at their current center, as they are so loved there. Jordan and Taylor clearly loved it there and we are sad to be taking that away from them. We are sad to leave the amazing women of Playcare behind, as they so clearly adored our children. But, it is time for a change, even though it sucks to be changing for a financial reason. We can't continue to pay more for daycare per month than our rent, when we are struggling month to month to pay the bills. The new place is great, although a little more out of the way. Healthy meals are included and the space is really great. There are only 4 other kids there right now, so the numbers are low, too. J&T went there for a 1/2 day visit last week. The provider made them cupcakes for their birthday, and sent them home with framed handprint art for us for Mother's Day. Wow! We were impressed. So, think of us on Monday. I hope the transition goes well and none of us are any worse for the wear.

And now, I must go to bed, to rest up for the big day tomorrow. My babies are turning two years old tomorrow. I am somewhat stunned. How did this happen? Really? Have we been doing this mom thing for two whole years already? Sometimes it seems as if they were just born and sometimes it seems as if they have been here forever.

I will leave you with the text from the post I made almost exactly two years ago today, at around midnight on May 9th, 2007. We had no idea what we were in for!

**Hello everyone. It's a big day for news here!

Last week I had an amnio to check for lung maturity of the babies. Not sure what they measure, but a level of 55 indicates lung maturity. Our results came back at 54, whch they told us means that our babies' lungs would finish maturing this week. Yay! Both babies were still head down at the amnio.

I saw my OB today. And, after finally being head down for a few weeks, including last Thursday when I had the amnio, the babies are breech again! The OB and I were shocked when we saw both heads high up in my abdomen on the ultrasound! Also, my blood pressure was a bit up and I had protein in my urine. (I am not really sure what protein in the urine means, other than that it is not good. But, did they see some pork chops or chicken breasts in my urine, or what??)

Since the babies were measuring 6 and 8 lbs (at the last ultrasound on 4/25), they scheduled me for a C-Section THIS THURSDAY MORNING! We have to call in tomorrow evening to make sure the scheudle has not gotten too crazy. If things are a go, we have to be at the hospital on Thursday morning at 7 am.

Penny and I are scrambling to get the last minute things done. Holy Cow! We are gonna have two babies in less than two days! And we are gonna be moms by mother's day! Unreal! We will post news when we can after that. Watch this space for pictures and news. We will try to post as quickly as we can, but know that with a C-Section, we will be in the hospital for about 3-4 days.**


Lo said...

Happy Birthday J & T!

N said...

Happy happy birthday to J&T!

Jude said...

Thank you for being wonderful hosts and for letting us share the twins' birthday celebration! We really enjoyed spending time with you and the kids and we need to make it a regular thing. xoxox