Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Time for more pics

Here's me with the babies at a recent visit to Northampton, MA to visit the alma mater, as well as visit with Jean who was in town from California. Ok, the real reason for the visit was to see Jean. We miss our Cali friends, big time!
A rare pic of the 4 of us. Note sleeping babies in strollers (if you can see their faces). Yeah!
Jordan and Taylor go swimming for the first time at the hotel in Northampton. We met Jude, Jen, and Gus from Judecorp. Cool to meet internet friends! In the above pic, I have Jordan, Jude (far left) has Taylor, and Jen (middle) has Gus.
Mama Penny and her babies rockin' out in the pool.
Babies were enjoying the lush bed in the hotel. Whoa, Jordan. Where ya headed?

We had brunch in Northampton with blogger/internet friends, as well as my long lost counsin, Jessica, her husband, Steve, and their daughter, Anna Louise.
Lookin' good in Sylvester's! While we were waiting for a table, a friend from grad school walked in the door. Whoa! Small world!
Here's me, with E and A from Two Moms blogging fame. E is pregnant with the same donor used to conceive Jordan and Taylor. They are expecting baby "Moon," the 1/2 sibling of J & T, in January. Creating different definitions of family rocks!

Jordan and Taylor lookin' dapper in their LL*Bean fleece hats and mittens.
Both babies love to pet the kitties and dog. Penny snapped this great pic of me and Jordan, with Milo. Good job, Pen!
Taylor loves tummy time, thanks to this activity mat that makes sounds and lights up. She can now roll from front to back and back again, with ease.
Loving their cowboy outfits from Auntie Ali on Thanksgiving. Jordan's face says, "These outfits rock. Why has it taken you so long to let us wear them?"
We enjoyed their first Thanksgiving as a family of four. So much to be thankful for this year, that's for sure! Note that the babies are about the same size as the turkey!
Penny's family came to join us for Thanksgiving, and brought lots of yummy food with them. Thanks everyone, for making our first holiday in VT so special!

We love snowsuits and we love sleeping babies. Do you just want to eat them up? I do...especially Taylor, the little pink marshmallow in her fluffy snowsuit! We are getting new carseats soon, as the kids are almost outgrowing these. Also, with the big snowsuits, they are especially tight for Jordan and Taylor. Jordan is bigger, but Taylor has a fluffier snowsuit. Jordan also needs a new snowsuit soon. So many changes all the time...and expenses!
Big snow here recently. Pictures of that to come. In other news, we are on to Stage 2 baby food, sitting up without being supported, and Jordan has two teeth poking through his bottom gums. Big kids all around!


LKC said...

What great pictures of your family and friends! Seeing the happiness on everyone's faces makes me realize that no matter how tough the ttc journey may be, it is all worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

It was great getting to see you, Penny, and the babies. I wish our visit could have been a little longer. I can't believe how good all of our babies were in Sylvester's that day! I could see the waitstaff sweating when they looked at our table.
love, jessica

Drea said...

your lil babies are sooo cute! and yes she does look like a lil pink marshmallow. I was thinking a lil cream puff hehe. So cute!!!

Enjoyed the pics.. always fun seeing twins grow.