Yesterday VT became the first state in the country to have Same Sex Marriage legalized by the Legislature! After being approved by the Senate and the House, the bill went to the Governor who, unfortunately, vetoed the bill. Boo Hiss! The bill went back to the Senate and the House for veto override votes. It was a landslide in the Senate, but VERY close in the House. The House needed 100 votes to override the veto and the final count was 100 to 49! Phew! Close call! We are thrilled to be living in this state at such an exciting time. We had a Civil Union in VT in 2004, but are now planning to get married sometime this fall to further secure rights for us, our kids, and our family. We will likely have a small ceremony and then maybe a big BBQ with friends and family to celebrate. Stay tuned!
Thank you Vermont Legislators for your bravery and your commitment to equal civil rights for all. Our family is proud to be Vermonters today! Check out how happy we were at Disney World in September... We are even MORE happy today, if you can even imagine that!