Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, 2008 has arrived and we are already being blessed with two sleeping babies, taking nice long naps this morning! Yay! So, there is time for a New Year's blog post.

Penny and I stayed in last night. 7.5 month old twins...not much choice in the celebrating matter! We were happy to stay in, although isn't it funny that when the choice is made for you, you feel like you wish you had options. But when we had no babies and could do whatever we wanted for New Year's Eve, wouldn't ya know it...we mostly also stayed home. But, we usually also had friends over for games and some sort of yummy dinner. Oh how we miss the CA friends!

While the evening started out quite bland (I went to the laundry mat to dry our laundry. The house we are renting only has a washer. Go figure!), it ended quite nicely, even though neither one of us saw midnight. After the kids went to bed, Penny and I did cook ourselves a lovely dinner. We had mussels steamed in white wine and garlic, along with linguine with clam sauce, breadsticks, wine, and chocolate mousse for dessert. We were quite thrilled with ourselves, actually. It was so yummy! And, it's great to start the new year with all clean laundry!

2007 was quite a year for us, as you can imagine. We finally became moms, after a long two year struggle with infertility and journey to conception. In 2007, we found out we were having boy/girl twins and felt like the luckiest women alive. We took two lovely weekend babymoons for relaxing and enjoying each other before our world would be turned upside down. We experienced unbelievable love, support, and generosity from our friends, family, and coworkers with a multitude of baby showers and subsequent yummy meals delivered to our door after the babies arrived. (Seriously, we might have made it without the meal delivery, but we certainly would not have been so well nourished by your food and your love!) Of course, we also welcomed Taylor and Jordan into our lives, when they made us a family on May 10th. Other massive changes were leaving our jobs (and our friends and everything that had been our lives for 7 years), moving cross-country from CA to VT with our three month old twinners, and settling into a new life as born-again New Englanders. We are thankful to live so close to Penny's family, as well as to be on the same coast as all of my family. (Hey, it's a big improvement from CA, NY, and FL!)

In 2008, our babies will turn 1. (Seriously, how is that possible?) And we will see big changes in them: crawling, walking, more teeth, more food experiences, personalities further emerging, and a multitude of other things that cannot be predicted. Penny and I hope to get in better shape, lose some weight (ah, the old weight loss New Year's resolution), support and encourage each other as parents, and find ways to continue to connect with each other. We hope to use our craft room more, save more money, take one day at a time, and appreciate the daily grind that is so easy to try to get through, rather than enjoy.

Thanks to the readers out there. We love reading your comments, so say hi if you stop by to let us know you were around. And here's to a great 2008 for you all. We wish you health, happiness, fulfillment, and fertility to those struggling with that. We hope all your dreams come true!


R said...

happy new year!!!

Amy said...

Happy New Year!! We are also happy to have you on this coast as well! Warm wishes for 2008.

Anonymous said...

happy new year! sounds like there are great things ahead in 2008 (some day -er, weekend, maybe, we need get together and have a craft party!). and i second what A said, so excited to have you in the east coast!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2008 to you and your beautiful family!
Cheers to a snowy New England!
Nikki and Family